Sometimes I wish I could see the greatness, the light at the end of the tunnel. But all too often I only see the long days, filled with screaming, fighting and unhappiness from not being able to reach a sippy cup or not being able to have the last bite of oatmeal, I speak of the girls of course. There are those times in the day where it is pure bliss. Everyone is happy, they play nicely, get along, give kisses to each other and are so pleasant that I am amazed at the other feelings that I have of misery from time to time due to just being overwhelmed in general.
Right now is one of those times where no matter how hard we try they are just impossible to make happy, due to nap time fast approaching. One trip and fall leads to screaming and not being able to console, one snatch of a toy from another baby incites a riot of temper tantrums that eventually gets another involved as well. It just seems to pile up, there are always going to be good times and bad, but I think if I keep the bigger goal in mind I will be ok, the bright light made by three girls at the end of my tunnel.
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