Wednesday, October 17, 2012


, A, big sister to the trio. She was the first out of the hospital and officially the first to turn 2 over the weekend. She is the "superstar" when it comes to developing. She has a bigger vocabulary, can do more things and can handle her own a little better. She is so independent and vocal. She looks after the "twins" for the most part. If they are sad, sick or get hurt she is the first one to go to them and help out, even if that means giving them a cup of milk or a baby doll. She will hold their hand and bring them to me if I ask her to, she will help out picking things up if I ask and she is the one that likes to sit and cuddle me. Catherine and I have a bond. She is my mini me. I think it's because she was breast fed and the first home. She got more one on one time and more of a bonding experience. There is just a special little place in my heart for her. I'm having so much fun watching her grow and learn things. You can see her brain working constantly. She is always repeating things and watching so that she can learn, learn, learn. It's crazy to see how independent she is! She can go and play by herself and be perfectly happy for the longest time. It's just sad when she tries to break into the twins playing because they have a bond of their own it seems and she is just trying to fit in sometimes. Maybe that is another reason for the bond, knowing that she loves her sisters and they love her, but sometimes they do their own thing and she is roaming alone, so we sit and visit and love on eachother while they do their thing, or I go and play with them too so that the playing field is equal. The world of triplets is quite a crazy one, which leaves me longing for a quiet evening of doing nothing. But, on the other side most of the time, I can't do it. There is laundry, dishes, picking up toys, making sure the teenagers are taken care of as well as the dog. Doing nothing feels strange. I feel like there is something missing when I'm just sitting there doing nothing, lets take right now for instance...I should be relaxing and enjoying the evening. But no, I am on the computer while I wait for the girls' laundry to be done so I can fold them. Did I mention that I need to wake up at 4am to take my parents to the airport in the morning?

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